
Request a trial-version now and see for yourself!
Contact us at [email protected].


Docati 6 comes with tree types of licenses:

  • FREE: The free license supports all features, and can be used in any type of solution (on-premise, SaaS, etc). These are however two limitations: documents cannot contain more than 15 paragraphs and the generation process will always take at least 2 seconds. You can use this license to try out Docati as well, but it may be more convenient to use a trial license, which does not have these limitations. Contact us if you want to evaluate Docati.
  • PRO OEM (regular): Allows for use on any number of solutions on any number of servers on one physical location. This means a single license will even work for a heavy-load scaled out system. You need separate licenses for each physical location (address). Use in SaaS-solutions is not allowed.
  • PRO OEM ENTERPRISE: Allows for use on any number of solutions on any number of servers on any number of physical locations. To support disaster recovery scenarios, you need to be able to switch to a different data center, which means you need more than one location. Use in SaaS-solutions is allowed for a single solution only. Your need separate licenses for each different SaaS-solution.
NB: You can create solutions for your clients that run on their servers. However, only you are allowed to create the templates with your license. If your customer will be maintaining the templates themselves, they need a PROOEM license as well (or use the FREE license).
NB: Charities and non-profit organisations may be entitled to a discount, please contact us

Licenses include (except FREE license):

  • Lifetime rights to use the software: Licenses do not need to be extended periodically, so you will not keep paying forever.
  • Six months guarantee: bugfixes/patches for the purchased version are provided for free during this period. Can be extended to twelve months by subscribing to at least one year email-support.
  • Email-support for the first 60 days: During this period we will provide support through email (response within 3 business-days). An additional email-support subscription is available (reduced price for first year).

Before installing, you must agree with our End User License Agreement.


Version License Price (EUR)
PRO OEM (regular) 699.00 Purchase
PRO OEM ENTERPRISE 1145.00 Purchase
* Prices are in euros (EUR) and exclude taxes/VAT
* Click Purchase to see prices in other currencies * Payments are handled by our partner FastSpring.